This describes the confidentiality policy of the company Basket1life.

This policy will be applied to all users of the website and will explain in detail what information the Basket1life Company collects, how it collects it, how it protects it, and when it communicates it to third parties.

8.1 General provisions on personal data

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, as well as those of European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of personal data, the Site has been declared to the CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés).

The Company undertakes to treat the personal data communicated by the user in complete confidentiality and to only use them for the processing of their order and the monitoring of commercial relations. This information is never shared with third parties or resold.

8.2 Information collected and processed by Basket1life

When placing an order or creating a profile, the user is invited to submit certain information concerning him to the Basket1life company.

Some information requested is optional. The user can always modify the information he has provided.

From all its users, Basket1life collects automatically generated information

This information relates to users' browsing habits on the Platform, such as which web pages they visit, how long they stay on a certain web page, what they download and/or upload, and usage. what they do with their profile.

In addition, Basket1life also collects the IP address, the type of browser used (program necessary for the computer to display web pages) as well as cookies.

The Company informs that the Site is not intended to collect health data or other sensitive data.

It is specified that users' banking information is never in the possession of Basket1life.

Transactions are entirely processed by the Stripe platform.

However, Users have the ability to create or share textual content on the Site. The Company does not exercise control over this content.

8.3 The purpose of collecting and processing information by Basket1life

The personal data collected from Users aims to provide the Site's services, improve them and maintain a secure environment.

They are strictly necessary for the normal use of the Site.

Basket1life will use the personal data it has collected about the user for the following purposes:

  • To offer it a platform that is as easy to use as possible;
  • To send him information on the platform;
  • To promote the platform;
  • To develop or have developed anonymous statistical data and protect the platform, as well as provide the information collected to third parties under its legal, contractual obligations and/or in the event of legal proceedings or for the protection of its rights.

8.4 Data retention

The personal data entrusted to the Company will be kept by it for a period of ten years from their transmission.

Basket1life undertakes to delete any personal data at the first request of the User and, in any event, at the expiration of the mentioned period.

8.5 Obligations of the Company as a service provider

As part of the provision by Basket1life of the services covered by these T&Cs, Basket1life provides a solution that is structurally respectful of the principles of proportionality, minimization and limitation of personal data ensuring that only relevant data is processed within the solution, to the only agreed purposes and under the control of only those who have knowledge of them.

Basket1life also implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data communicated to Basket1life by the User via the Site, in a permanent and documented manner, against accidental or illegal destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized dissemination or access, including in the context of the transmission of data over a network, as well as against any other form of illicit processing or not included in the processing entrusted under these T&Cs.

8.6 Obligations of subcontractors

Basket1life and each of its possible subcontractors (which must comply in all respects with the same commitments as those in this clause):

Will respect their obligations at all times.

Will take all necessary measures to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data, including in the event of international data transfer.

Will provide the following safeguards to ensure confidentiality and security measures are implemented:


Establishment and provision upon first request of documentation describing the confidentiality implemented within the solution, to protect personal data.

Conclusion of standard contractual clauses governing any possible transfer of data to any secondary subcontractor which is not located in the territory of the European Union, or any equivalent system duly recognized by the supervisory authorities.

Implementation and maintenance of a procedure for receiving and executing requests for access, rectification or deletion from the natural persons concerned.

8.7 Limitation of data use

Basket1life undertakes to refrain from exploiting or using, making copies and creating files of personal data within the User's information system for its own purposes or on behalf of third parties. The processing of personal data will strictly correspond to the execution of the purposes stipulated above, solely within the framework of the operation of the solution and services provided by the Company.

8.8 Sharing data with third parties

Without the user's explicit consent, Basket1life will not transmit their personal data to third parties for direct marketing purposes (in particular for sending advertisements).

Basket1life may provide third parties with users' personal data to the extent necessary to maintain the platform and/or in the event that it concerns data that cannot be traced back to the user personally (such as information generated automatically excluding - IP address) and are therefore not to be taken into consideration in personal data.

Personal data may be shared with third parties in the following cases:

When the User authorizes a third party's website to use their data.

If required by law, Basket1life may transmit data to respond to claims made against the Company and to comply with administrative or legal procedures.

Since Basket1life uses service providers for its development, maintenance or for technical reasons.

If Basket1life is involved in a merger, acquisition, transfer of assets or receivership procedure, it may be required to transfer or share all or part of its assets, including personal data. In this case, Users would be informed before personal data is transferred to a third party.

8.9 Hypertext links and Cookies

The site contains a number of hypertext links to other sites, whether or not set up with the authorization of the company Basket1life. However, the Basket1life company does not have the ability to verify the content of the sites visited, and will therefore assume no responsibility for this. Browsing the site may cause the installation of cookie(s) on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file, which does not allow the identification of the user, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained aims to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site, and is also intended to enable various traffic measurements. Refusing to install a cookie may result in the impossibility of accessing certain services. The user can, however, configure their computer in the following way to refuse the installation of cookies: Under Internet Explorer: tool tab (cog-shaped pictogram at the top right) / internet options. Click Privacy and choose Block all cookies. Validate on Ok.

Under Firefox: at the top of the browser window, click on the Firefox button, then go to the Options tab. Click on the Privacy tab. Configure Safe Retention Rules: use custom settings for history. Finally uncheck it to disable cookies.

Under Safari: Click at the top right of the browser on the menu pictogram (symbolized by a cog). Select Settings. Click Show advanced settings. In the “Privacy” section, click Content Settings. In the “Cookies” section you can block cookies.

Under Chrome: Click at the top right of the browser on the menu pictogram (symbolized by three horizontal lines). Select Settings. Click Show advanced settings. In the “Privacy” section, click Preferences. In the “Privacy” tab you can block cookies.

8.10 Evolution of the platform

Basket1life wants to keep its users informed of the evolution of its platform via a newsletter. In the event of an upgrade, update or any other modification to the platform, Basket1life will inform its users. This also applies to payment information. It is not possible not to benefit from these messages. The user receives the newsletter on a regular basis. If they no longer wish to receive it, the user will find a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter. In the event that the user unsubscribes, Basket1life advises the user to regularly check the platform or social media to stay informed of new promotions. In the terms and conditions, the user grants Basket1life the right to publish and copy their personal data (such as username and profile photo) in order to promote the platform. This means, among other things, that Basket1life may use certain personal data for the promotion of the platform, for example by indicating which user has the most victories, which event was the most successful, or even new operations present or future.

9.11 Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. ('Google'). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer as described above, to help Basket1life analyze how you use the site. The data generated by the cookies regarding the user's use of the site (including their IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and usage. 'Internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required by law to do so, or where such third parties process this data on Google's behalf. Google will not combine users' IP addresses with any other data held by Google. By using this site, the user expressly consents to the processing of their personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.

8.12 Protection of personal data by Basket1life

Basket1life has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data collected against any loss or against any form of unlawful processing. In addition, contact with the platform itself is also protected. This protection can be ensured by the mention “https” in the URL address of the browser as well as by the representation of a closed padlock at the bottom of the screen. If the user clicks on the padlock twice, he can check whether a secure connection has been made with the platform.

However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a fully secure environment and that the Company cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.

Finally, Basket1life recognizes that it must be able, at all times during the execution of these T&Cs, to report and demonstrate all of the devices and procedures for protecting personal data and minimizing their use. , and compliance of said devices and procedures with the aforementioned legal requirements.

8.13 Business transfer

In the event of an expansion of Basket1life's growth and development, one or more portions of the Company's assets may be transferred to a third party, or Basket1life may merge with a third party. In this case, the personal data collected will also be transferred.

8.14 Transfer to European Union countries

Given that Basket1life uses Google Analytics, as described above, Basket1life transfers personal data to the United States. Owned by Google Inc., Google Analytics is a participant in the Safe Harbor program. This means that Google has taken appropriate measures to protect the personal data transferred. On this basis, Basket1life grants itself the right to transfer personal data to Google.

9.15 Implementation of User rights

The User has the following rights:

He can update or delete the data concerning him;

He can delete his User Account;

They can exercise their right of access, to know the personal data concerning them;

If the personal data held by the Company is inaccurate, it may request that the information be updated;

He may request the deletion of his personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws;

Consequently, Finally, the user is informed that according to the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any user has a right to access, rectification and opposition to personal data concerning him, by making a written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the identity document with signature of the holder of the document, specifying the address to which the response must be sent.